A conservatorship allows a responsible person to make decisions for another adult in such areas as personal finances. The situation typically involves some sort of cognitive disability on the part of the person who holds the estate. The role of a conservator calls for...
Helping You Through Times of Change
Month: December 2021
Choosing an executor? Consider these traits.
Many decisions come with creating an estate plan. Will or trust? Who are your beneficiaries? How will you divide your assets? And, among the most important, who will serve as the executor? The executor of a will has endless duties in settling an estate, which may take...
Understanding the probate process
When someone dies in California, there is a good chance that part, if not all, of the decedent's estate, will go through probate. This is the process in which there is a management and closing of the decedent's estate. The individual with the biggest responsibilities...
4 tips to help you perform your job as a personal representative
Perhaps the need to fulfill your role as a personal representative came up sooner than you expected. You may feel overwhelmed by the tasks involved with the final administration of an estate. Here are four tips that should help you succeed in your duties. 1. Follow...