Your idea of how to distribute your assets may not make sense to some of your family members. In fact, they may try to convince you to change your mind. Misunderstandings and confusion may increase the chances of family conflict after your death. This kind of tension...
Helping You Through Times of Change
Month: July 2021
What is a pour-over will and who needs one?
Wills and trusts are two of the main estate planning tools used by California residents. A pour-over will acts as a kind of safety net for when a person dies without transferring all property into a trust. How does a pour-over will work and do you need one? How a...
Why are more Americans leaving unequal inheritances?
When creating an estate plan, the textbook advice is to “keep it as fair as possible.” Typically, this refers to portioning out your estate into even chunks for your beneficiaries. Particularly if you have multiple adult children, unequal inheritances have the...
What happens to digital assets after you die?
Digital assets include social media accounts, cryptocurrency, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). According to Tech Crunch, digital assets are often overlooked during estate planning. This can leave wealth in limbo as family and legal teams struggle to gain access to what...