Everyone's legacy is unique, and so are their estate planning needs. Online will platforms offer a seemingly simple solution for crafting a will. Still, it is essential to weigh this action's potential benefits and drawbacks carefully. Creating a will online can be...
Helping You Through Times of Change
What is the difference between probate and nonprobate assets?
When a loved one passes away, dealing with the assets they left behind can be a confusing task. One of the most crucial aspects of estate planning is understanding the difference between probate and nonprobate assets. If you were the assigned executor of their estate...
What can be valid reasons to contest a will during probate?
Probate is often a complex process involving various parties, making it more challenging to navigate based on the circumstances. If the deceased left a will, it could provide direction on what to do with the estate. However, this document can also have different legal...
What happens in case of a missing will in probate?
Wills play a crucial role in probate since they specify deceased estate owners’ wishes as to the distribution of their assets. However, it is not uncommon in probate cases for wills to go missing or for a deceased individual to not leave one at all. When these happen,...
What happens if a will conflicts with other estate plan tools?
Each individual decides, with or without the guidance of a legal professional, how many estate planning tools they will include in their plan. Some only draft wills, while others have multiple documents depending on their needs. However, when dealing with a...
Is there a way to avoid estate taxes?
As you get deeper and deeper into the estate planning process, you will inevitably begin to recognize opportunities to avoid (or mitigate) expenses against your estate. Taking action to settle liabilities before your death, covering your funeral costs and avoiding...
4 tips to help you choose the perfect personal representative
When it is time to prepare your will, selecting a trustworthy personal representative is an essential and very important task. This person will take on the responsibility of winding up your affairs after your death. Here are four tips to help you make the perfect...
Should I put my child’s name on my deed?
Figuring out what to do with property can be one of the stickiest aspects of estate planning. Property often gets stuck in probate for years, which is why comprehensive planning before the fact is paramount. In their quest to avoid probate, some estate planners...
What if I die without a will?
Most people are aware that it is smart to have comprehensive estate planning in place prior to death. However, do you know what actually occurs if you die without a will? Dying without a will is dying “intestate.” If this happens, it means that your estate is now...
Top 5 estate planning documents
An “estate plan” is a collection of legal documents written by an attorney and signed by you. They may tell the story of how you want to be treated when you get older or sick. They may say who you want for guardian of your kids. Then, at your death, these documents...